I came across two more shows on Netflix last night that are well worth the watch. The first one was a bit of a heavy hitter so we'll start there.

Conflict. This originally started as a mini-series on Vimeo but has since been bundled into a single show. It's 6 interviews with some of the best conflict photojournalists. Joao Silva speaks about South Africa and the Bang Bang Club. Nicole Tung recounts her experiences with Chris Hondros and James Foley. 

Every since I first picked up a camera, I've been drawn to this style of photography. I remember seeing a James Nachtwey exhibit at MOPA in San Diego. The images were massive, 30x40, and enveloped you in their power and sorrow. It was a big part in the development of my style of shooting. 

The other series I found is much lighter but still full of all kinds of awesome. Tales By Light is being produced by Canon Australia. I watched the entire first season last night and by the website, it looks like they are moving on to season two. Art Wolfe is featured in two of the episodes and Krystle Wright in another. The cinematography is done by Abraham Joffe and it is stunning.

Adventure photography is my other big draw. Watching that series and seeing some of the behind the scenes aspects of putting together a big shoot is fascinating for me.

Go watch them both. Vastly different view points on the world but there are similarities. There is beauty in everything and we are all witnesses.
